Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Tower of London

This weekend, despite the cold and snow, I ventured out and got to see one of the most important and anticipated things on my study abroad bucket list...The Tower of London! I have a huge fascination with the monarchy and especially the Tudor line so going to see the place where King Henry VIII had two wives beheaded and seeing the Crown jewels in the same place was both exciting and weird.

I went with a group of study abroad students and we spent the time exploring the inside of the castle since it was too cold to spend much time outside. However, the inside was just as beautiful as the outside. We saw prison cells where traitors were held, toured the medieval bedrooms and saw the Crown Jewels (more than once).

For anyone who hasn't been, there's actually a moving conveyor belt where the crowns are in cases so you can't linger. You get on and the belt moves you along past them all. You can ride it more than once though so we did it twice. They were amazing and so beautiful! I wish I could show you all but unfortunately they didn't allow pictures either. But there was a lot of purple, diamonds, and sparkles so you can imagine my excitement. Here are some pictures from the trip. 

The White Tower

Tower Bridge

A miniature of the Tower of London

King Henry VIII's Armor

Piccadilly Circus

After that we went to Piccadilly Circus (like the Times Square of London) where we had a late lunch/early dinner of Italian. Unfortunately, after warming up a bit we were all too tired to venture out into the snow to explore more again so we just headed back to the university.

Tomorrow we are going on the Jack the Ripper Walking Tour through London where they show us famous spots where he murdered people. Sounds like a nice little trip. Haha. Anyways, hopefully I'll have some pictures to share or at least a funny story or two.

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