Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tips for the First Time Traveler

This post is dedicated to my little sister, Stephanie, who is coming all the way to England to see me. It's her first time traveling alone and since I feel like I know a plane better than I know a car these days I thought I would write a post to help her getting ready and flying alone for the first time.


1.) Check the baggage requirements and allowances- Before you do anything, even book the tickets in my case, I check how much luggage the airline allows me for free or how much it would cost for extra. Most international flights allow a checked bag, a carry-on and a personal item (purse or laptop bag) so we'll work with this.

2.) Plan out your clothing- Check the weather, think about what you'll be doing, and plan outfits ahead of time. If you're only going for a week you want to think strategically about what you want to bring so you're not lugging around a bunch of unnecessary stuff. Always bring a few extra pieces though in case anything gets dirty or you just want to wear something different.

3.) Roll your clothes- My sister is actually much better at this than I am so I really don't have to tell her but if you roll your clothes instead of folding them you'll save a ton of room in your bag. You can also stack the rolls on top of one another doubling your space.

4.) Weigh your bags- There's a funny story to go along with this that involves me being sure that my bag was under the weight limit, letting my dad drop me off, and then having to call him 5 minutes later to come take stuff as I frantically rummaged through my bag trying to get rid of stuff but I won't go into details. The point is know how much the airline lets you take and don't go over it! If you do you'll be looking at a huge extra fee that's just not worth it. Weigh them at home so you know before you go if you need to get rid of stuff or not. Otherwise you'll have a lot of people laughing at you at the airport.

5.) Use your carry-on and personal item to your advantage- Coming abroad I knew I was looking at 5 months without going home to get things and I needed to use up all my space wisely. Enter in your carry-on and personal item. For a carry-on go with one as big as you can, usually a small rolling suitcase. I know businessmen who can fit a whole weeks worth of clothes into these (don't ask me how) but obviously that means you can fit a lot in them. Also, instead of a purse, I often bring a backpack or tote as my personal item and stuff my purse inside this way I can fit more things.

At the Airport


1.) Print out your itinerary- I would always recommend printing out your itinerary or at the very least having it saved to your phone so you can easily access it. This way you know where to go and you have your flight details in front of you in case you don't know where to go and need to ask for help.

2.) Use the Check-In Kiosks- Personally, I love using these little kiosks because there's hardly ever a line and if you're even a little tech savvy you should be able to use them. Some airlines, *hem United *hem, don't really make this any better because they still make you wait in line with everyone else to check your bags but most other airlines will have a quicker line to just drop off your bags if you already checked in yourself. Saves you tons of time and waiting!

3.) Security- People always say that going through security is so hard but it really isn't. Maybe for families with little kids or older people but if you're traveling alone and able it should be no big deal. Just follow the basic rules: no liquids above 3 oz and put all your liquids into a little ziplock back, take out all your electronics from bags and take off any shoes, jewelry and jackets before you go through the metal detector. And please don't be the person who argues about taking out your things or who tries to sneak through a drink. It just holds up the line for everyone.

4.) Wear appropriate clothing- This is a two-fold advice. First, wear clothing that is appropriate for both where you are coming from and where you are going. I've traveled from the Northeast in the winter to Florida so I know this can be difficult, but try to find something you can wear at both places without freezing or dying of a heat stroke. Next, wear clothing that is easy to get through security with. You're going to have to take off your shoes, belts, jackets, sweatshirts, etc. so make sure that they're easy to remove so you're not hopping around on one foot as you try to unlace your knee-high converse.

5.) Bring snacks and magazines with you- The only thing you should buy in the airport are any drinks you want to take on the plane and any hot food you may want to eat before you leave. Other than that, bring the snacks and any magazines or books with you otherwise you'll be paying a fortune on stuff you could get for half the price outside the airport.



This is probably the scariest part for someone who hasn't traveled by themselves before but it's really not that bad. Whenever I sit down on a plane I like to make sure I'm comfortable and ready to sit still for a while. I put my carry-on in the overhead bin and keep my personal item with me.  I then unload everything I'm going to need such as my book/magazine, headphones, water bottle and pillow. Anything I'm not using at the moment I put in the pocket on the chair in front of me and put my bag underneath the seat. Then just sit back and enjoy the ride. These days most planes have individual TV's, radio, and movies so there's plenty to keep you entertained. Or just put on an eye mask and take a nap and before you know it you'll be on the ground again.

I hope this helped my sister and any other first time travelers. If you have any other questions leave them in the comments below and I'll get back to you! Good luck! 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Life of the Royals

As promised, here's my report on my trip to one of my most anticipated tourist attractions: Hampton Court. For those of you who don't know, the reason I wanted to see Hampton Court so bad is I love the Tudor history, and not just because of the Showtime show The Tudors (though that may have helped a little). I've loved reading books about Henry VIII and his many wives, as well as his daughters Mary and Elizabeth. Hampton Court is one of the main palaces where the Tudors spent most of their time so I was really excited to see it.

Thankfully I don't have class on Tuesday (to be honest I don't have class ever) so CJ and I decided to spend the day at Hampton. We got really lucky and it was easily the nicest day we've had in England since I've been here. I had almost forgotten what the sun was like.

*Side note for anyone thinking about coming here: Get a rail card!!! I know it may seem like a lot of money to spend in the beginning but I promise you that you will make your money back and more! It saves college students 1/3 of the price on any rail ticket every time. So buy it!

Anyways, back to Hampton. It was so much fun. One part of the castle takes you through the early life of Henry VIII and as you go through the rooms you see how his first wife, Queen Katherine of Aragon fell out of favor and how he chose to marry Anne Boleyn (my favorite of his queens) instead. There was also a huge banquet hall with thrones at the main table. Fun fact: the red chair is actually for the king while the blue is for the queen.

Because of the beautiful day we also spent a lot of time out in the gardens which were green and flowering. It felt like a perfect spring day. Hampton Court also has one of the most famous mazes in all the world and we made it to the center! Actually, I beat CJ to the center but he'll probably deny it.

After we had our fun at the palace we went into the town to have a late lunch. Because we were sick of sandwiches (we always seem to go to cafes) we went to a little Italian place. It was authentic Italian and the food was amazing! It was easily the best pizza I've had since I've been in England. Then again, that's not really saying much.

Other than the trip it was a pretty slow week and this week will probably be similar. It's our last week of classes so I have a lot of papers and projects to finish but then we're done with classes and we get to go on break for a month so it's definitely worth it! Also, next week my sister Stephanie comes to visit so expect that to spice things up. Until then, cheers!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Not Enough Hours in the Day

Well, it has definitely been busy this past week to say the least so I'll try to catch you all up.

Last Saturday CJ and I decided to head into London and go see Kensington Palace. This is where Queen Victoria, the longest reigning British Monarch and patron of our college, lived for most of her life. Unfortunately not a whole lot of it was open for public viewing but we did get to go through all the exhibits they had open. My favorite was the one that focused on the life of Victoria herself and her children. We had a great time but finished quickly and didn't want to head back just yet so we decided to indulge our American cravings.

Not having American food or fast food for almost 2 months we decided that it would be the perfect day since we were in London where it is all so close. So for me we had Burger King (honestly, it was the best burger I've had here which really says something about England's burgers) and for CJ we went to his beloved Chipotle. Finally we also decided to make a pit stop at King's Cross station and for any of you Harry Potter fans out there you better know what this means...Platform 9 and 3/4!!! While it wasn't exactly what I expected--they made it a bit touristy, of course--it was still a lot of fun and I got to be nerdy and wear the HP glasses and scarf and everything. And of course I chose Slytherin as my house. ;-)

The next day Olivia and I went on a school sponsored trip to Stratford-Upon-Avon, aka the birthplace of William Shakespeare, Anne Hathaway (his wife) and his family. We had read the guidebook and already determined that Shakespeare's birthplace was very touristy and not worth the money so instead Olivia and I made the mile hike out to Anne Hathaway's cottage. It was definitely worth the trip as it was very authentic to the time period. I was amazed that it was still standing to be honest but it was so adorable and we had a great time.

Then after a hike back into town and a quick lunch we went on a 2-hour walking tour through the town. While it was freezing and we were past numb by the time we were done the tour was really interesting and it was amazing to find out how old the town is and how much history is there. It made me realize how new all of the US is compared to England.

    Anne Hathaway's Cottage 
Shakespeare's Courting Chair where he courted Anne Hathaway
Shakespeare's Grave

This house was so old you can see how crooked it is.

Unfortunately, with the start of March that also means that I've realized I only have 2 weeks until most of my assignments are due in my classes which means I actually have to do work while abroad. However, Olivia and I did take some time off yesterday to go to the mall. Yes, believe it or not, they do have malls here. They're just very very hard to get to. We spent 2 hours traveling there but in the end it was worth it to get to the Stratford Westfield Mall. And yes, it is just like the Westfield malls that we all know and love in the States. It was so much fun because it cured a little bit of my homesickness since I felt like I was back at my home mall. Not to mention I also got a ton of new clothes for really cheap (thank you Primark!).

Today I am locking myself inside and working but tomorrow it's supposed to be around 60 and sunny so I'll be heading to Hampton Court which is something I've been dying to see since I got here so expect another post soon. Until then, Happy Monday!