Saturday, December 29, 2012

Let the Panic Begin

Well, with only 5 days left until I board the plane I am officially entering panic mode. Today I got some things done like getting a haircut and getting more passport photos (for my school ID) but the days just seem to be going by too quickly and I still feel like I have so much to do. Worst of all, I haven't even started thinking about packing yet. Ahh!

On top of it, both my US school and my abroad school are on break until January 2nd so any questions I have won't get answered until the day I leave at the earliest! This was not very good planning on their part. I really need someones personal email or phone number or something.

However, I'm trying to keep calm and relax. At least tomorrow is expected to be a snowy day here in New England so I'll use the whole day to start prepping my stuff. And for now I'm going to use this as motivation...

Also, if you have any tips or last minute info you want to share please email or write it in the comments below because I'm sure it will help calm my nerves and I always love getting advice! Hopefully by my next post I'll have pictures of my packing extravaganza to share with you all. Until then...

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry (Almost) Christmas

Merry Christmas! It's the night before Christmas Eve and also 10 days before I board a plane to England for a whole semester. I can't believe it is coming up so quick. It seems like just yesterday that I got my acceptance letter and now I have less than two weeks until I leave. Once Christmas is over I will be in full prepare mode as I start packing and finishing final to-dos. However, for now I just want to relax and enjoy my Christmas with the family.

I'll be trying to update this blog regularly once I get to England to keep you all filled in on my experiences and adventures. And if you have any questions throughout my time abroad feel free to email me! Wish me luck!